Just in Time Tool

The “Just in Time” tool [PDF] is designed especially for family organizations to help them in their job to support families. It contains the most essential resources identified by both families and professionals to address hearing-related needs. Family organizations, such as Family Voices, Family-to-Family Health Information Centers, Parent Training and Information Centers, and Parent-to-Parent USA chapters are invited to do the following:

  • Post it on your website, allowing the hyperlinks to take the reader directly to critical information.
  • Highlight the resource in your next staff meeting or conference call.
  • Send it electronically to your local and state partners so they also can use it.
  • Have it available as a hard-copy handout to share with families who prefer that format.
  • Note the emphasis on resources with information available in other languages.

Link: http://www.infanthearing.org/familysupport/index.html