Hear a mother’s reaction to Australia’s recently passed legislation about government funding for early intervention services.
Monthly Archives: July 2010
Link: http://www.theage.com.au/federal-election/family-welcomes-early-intervention-20100729-10y1w.html
Hearing Loss Solutions
Find out how plans were made to increase the hearing health of millions around the world. At a conference hosted by the Coalition for Global Hearing Health, participants discussed problems that cause hearing loss and what can be done to help at the international level.
Link: http://www.voicesforourplanet.com/2010/06/30/hearing-loss-solutions/
The Power of a Parent Support Network for Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
One of the best ways to learn how to make the right decisions concerning your child’s hearing loss is to talk with other parents who have already been through the same situation. There is help available…