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Monthly Archives: October 2010
Sound Beginnings: Changing the World for Children with Hearing Loss
The American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to offer the second call in the Birth Defects Prevention and Identification CME Webinar Series, “Sound Beginnings: Changing the World for Children with Hearing Loss” on Tuesday, October 26 at 11:00 am CDT (12:00pm EDT, 10:00am MDT, 9:00am PDT). This event is free and open to all who are interested.
Speakers include:
- Karl White, PhD; National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management, Utah State University
- Susan Wiley, MD; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
The ECHO Initiative: A Webinar with Dr. William Eiserman
Dr. William Eiserman, Director of the ECHO Initiative, explains the purpose behind their organization and how they are helping Early Head Start staff and administrators accross the country to identify and provide help to children with a hearing loss within their programs.
A Message from the ECHO Initiative
NCHAM’s Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO) Initiative is expanding its outreach to ensure that all Head Start programs across the country are using up-to-date hearing screening practices to satisfy their requirements to screen all children for hearing loss.
Be a part of the ECHO!
Telehealth and EHDI Systems
Discover what a benefit telehealth technologies can be to EHDI professionals and the families they serve. This new webpage explains some of the efforts toward implementing this technology and why its use can be so helpful.
Early Childhood Hearing Tracking and Monitoring Tools
Early childhood program coordinators and staff often need help in documenting hearing screening outcomes, tracking children who need follow-up, and monitoring screening program quality. Here are some items that can help.
Technology Assessment 101: Selecting the Right Equipment for Your Program
A free webinar from the Telehealth Technology Assessment Center in cooperation with the Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center will be held for organizations getting into telehealth that may not know how to select devices to meet their needs, established telehealth programs that want to expand services but need to get the right technology, and telehealth program administrators.
The event will take place on October 29, 2010 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
Presentations will be given by Chris Patricoski, MD and Stewart Ferguson, PhD and the event will be moderated by Garret Spargo, Director of the TTAC
Desktop Videoconferencing: An Overview of the Market and Technology
A free webinar from the Telehealth Technology Assessment Center in cooperation with the Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center will be held for physicians who are interested in using videoconferencing from the desktop, professionals looking for information on what software is available, what it does, and where its limitations are, and telehealth program administrators.
The event will take place on October 22, 2010 from 12:00 until 1:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time). The presentation and discussion will be led by Garret Spargo, Director of the TTAC.
What Should You Know?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have launched a new Web site on Hearing Loss in Children. Some of the features include: Easy-to-read information on signs & symptoms, screening & diagnosis, treatment services, and prevention; a compilation of important data and scientific publications; individualized pages for different visitors including families, health professionals, EHDI programs, and partners; and an overview of the work CDC and its partners are doing in the area of hearing loss.
On the home page, there is an item called “Hearing Loss Widget.” You can put this widget on your website to help spread the word about symptoms of hearing loss.
Hearing Protection: October is National Protect Your Hearing Month
Make sure that you protect your hearing and the hearing of those around you not only during October, but always.