ASHA Releases Additional IDEA Part C Resources

To further assist ASHA members in the implementation of the 2011 IDEA
Part C final regulations, ASHA has prepared additional resources,
including issue briefs on select topics: implications for audiologists
and speech-language pathologists who provide services for infants and
toddlers with hearing loss and their families; cultural and linguistic
diversity; the individualized family service plan; and an evaluation and
assessments definitions document. ASHA has already prepared briefs on
personnel, transition, referral timelines, service coordination, and
natural environment.

 Visit ASHA’s IDEA Action Center
 for the Part C resources and other information on the IDEA Part C
final regulations. Please address specific questions and comments about
the regulations to Catherine Clarke by e-mail at or by
phone at 800-498-2071, ext. 5611. For practice-related IDEA Part C
issues or concerns, contact Diane Paul or 800-498-2071,
ext. 5688.


Between Ear and Brain, an Orderly Orchestra of Synapses

The brain receives information from the ear in a surprisingly orderly
fashion, according to a University at Buffalo study scheduled to appear
June 6 in the Journal of Neuroscience. The research focuses on a section
of the brain called the cochlear
nucleus, the first way-station in the brain for information coming from
the ear. In particular, the study examined tiny biological structures
called synapses that transmit signals from the auditory nerve to the
cochlear nucleus.

The major finding: The synapses in question
are not grouped randomly. Instead, like orchestra musicians sitting in
their own sections, the synapses are bundled together by a key trait:
plasticity. Read and learn more by following the link to this
interesting article.


Stem Cells May Help LaBelle Toddler Hear

For all Stephanie Conner knew, her daughter would be born deaf, blind
and with organ damage — the result of an often symptomless virus
Stephanie had passed to her unborn child. So when the girl, Madeline,
was finally delivered at a Miami hospital,
Stephanie and her husband considered it a major blessing that the
girl’s biggest problem was her inability to hear. Now, the LaBelle
family hopes medical science will deliver another round of news verging
on the miraculous: a stem cell cure or partial cure. Madeline, who is
nearly 2 years old, is the first person in the nation to take part in a
new FDA-approved study of stem cell treatment of sensorineural hearing


Cooper Hears the Voice of His Mom for the First Time

Two-year-old Cooper gasps and laughs as mom says, “Hi Cooper!” No
wonder–he’s hearing her voice for the very first time. “Cooper was born
with profound hearing loss,” said mom Lauren LaScala, a third grade teacher
from Pennsylvania. Cooper received cochlear implants in September 2011. This video shows his absolute first response to any sound whatsoever. Read more about this article and watch the video!


Nowhere to Hide: New Device Sees Bacteria Behind the Eardrum

Doctors can now get a peek behind the eardrum to better diagnose and
treat chronic ear infections, thanks to a new medical imaging device.
The device could usher in a new suite of non-invasive, 3-D diagnostic
imaging tools for primary-care physicians.


Hearing Aid Listening Check Video Now Available in Spanish

The Hearing Aid Listening Check video previously available in English is now available in Spanish as well. See Featured Videos on our website or follow the read more link.

Young children who use hearing aids are not able to tell their parents
and other caregivers when the hearing aids are not working correctly.
This video provides instructions for parents, teachers, and early
interventionists about how to check and monitor hearing aid function.
There is also a written handout [PDF] that can be printed to have
available in both English & Spanish.
