A Birthday Gift, Implant Allows Girl To Hear For The First Time

A girl receives an invaluable gift for her first birthday, the ability to hear. Chloe’s profound hearing loss in both ears brought her to the Cochlear
Implant Center at Omaha’s Boys Town National Research Hospital. On a Wednesday morning, Chloe’s second cochlear implant was turned on, allowing her to hear others and herself. Follow this link to read more and watch the video!

Link: http://www.wowt.com/news/headlines/Implant-Allows-Girl-To-Hear-For-The-First-Time-167914685.html

Earphones potentially as dangerous as noise from jet engines, researchers find

Turning the volume up too high on your headphones can damage the coating
of nerve cells, leading to temporary deafness, scientists from the
University of Leicester have shown for the first time.

Link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120829064707.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fhealth_medicine%2Fhearing_loss+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Health+%26+Medicine+News+--+Hearing+Loss%29

ASDC Biennial Conference in June 2013

Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind in Tucson, hosts the ASDC Biennial Conference, “Embracing Your Whole Child” from June 26-30, 2013. A limited number of dormitory accommodations will be available. Meals will be included for all registered attendees.

The ASDC Biennial Conference provides families with five days of
information and fun! Daytime workshops captivate parents while children
participate in educational and recreational activities. Evening events
bring families together, providing the opportunity to form new
friendships and peer support. Alliances built and information gathered
make this conference once in a lifetime experience for families across
the nation.

For more information contact the conference chair:

Kelly Birmingham


Link: http://www.deafchildren.org/index.php/conferences/asdc-conference.html

US Task Force Finds Insufficient Evidence for Benefits of Adult Hearing Loss Screening in Primary Care Settings

The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has determined
that there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against
age-related hearing loss screening by primary care doctors. USPSTF found
no trials to evaluate for adverse
events. Consequently, due to the research gaps, the Task Force could not
recommend for or against screening for age-related hearing loss in the
primary care setting.

USPSTF’s decision was published online August 14, 2012 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Link: http://www.hearingreview.com/insider/2012-08-23_09.asp

Hearing Loss Association of America Applauds Support of Consumer Driven Hearing Health Care

HLAA applauds ADA, the Academy, and ASHA for joining HLAA in supporting
consumer needs and setting a path for audiologists to evaluate how their
practices will respond to and work in a new hearing health care delivery

The statement echoes and reinforces HLAA’s long-standing campaign for
accessible and affordable hearing health care through itemization, price
transparency, and audiology services beyond the sale of hearing aids, including
aural rehabilitation counseling and information about assistive listening and
alerting devices. HLAA also supports consumer options in designing hearing
health care to include family participation and education, measuring consumer
satisfaction, and providing options for serving consumers who bought their
hearing aids from another source such as the Internet. In addition, HLAA
encourages audiologists to enlist the support of trained peer mentors.

Link: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/08/20/4742255/hearing-loss-association-of-america.html#storylink=cpy

Hear today, gone tomorrow?

Certain childhood illnesses, such as mumps, measles, meningitis and
rubella can also cause significant hearing loss. For this reason, it’s
important to get your child immunized. Also, ensure that your infant’s
hearing is checked. It’s possible to do
this within a week of birth. When hearing loss in children is identified
early, especially within six months of age, it can be treated and even
reversed, so that the child doesn’t develop speech impairments.

Link: http://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/metroplus/article3779652.ece

HRSA launches Grants Technical Assistance webpage

HRSA has launched the Grants Technical Assistance (TA) webpage, a
one-stop-shop for potential applicants that is designed to help increase
the number, quality and success of applicants. This newly developed
site provides an array of useful TA
information and resources that will be invaluable to those interested in
Federal assistance. Applicants will find a message from Dr. Wakefield,
webcasts, videos, guidance about application registration and submission
requirements, funding opportunity announcement structure and content,
tips for writing grant proposals, and more.

The new webpage and
TA products are the culmination of over a year of effort by the HRSA
Technical Assistance Outreach Workgroup. The workgroup focused on
developing products for all potential applicants to enable them to
compete more effectively for HRSA funds and to promote a better
understanding of HRSA’s grant processes, funding opportunities,
programs, and services.

Check out the new webpage at: http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/apply/ and please share with any potential applicants.

Link: http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/apply/

In Case You Missed It: AMCHP Health Reform Webinar Recording Available

In case you missed it, AMCHP hosted a webinar on Jul. 31, to continue
the conversation with its members on the impact of the Supreme Court
ruling and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This webinar serves as a
review of the key provisions of the ACA,
implications of the June Supreme Court ruling for MCH populations and an
in-depth discussion of the Medicaid expansion and health insurance
exchange establishment. AMCHP was able to hear from some of our member
states on how their programs are helping to advance the ACA as well. For
more information, click here or follow the read more link.

Link: http://www.amchp.org/Policy-Advocacy/health-reform/resources/Pages/default.aspx