FAQ: One on one assistants and LRE for students with disabilities

Understanding the relationship between a “restrictive” environment and educational placement of a child can sometimes be unclear. This is a question that often comes up to our friends at the Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC), so they have written a blog to address this frequently asked question and provide clarity around what is required by IDEA.

Below is an exerpt:
Some students receive a lot of special education services, accommodations and supports in the regular education setting and are not removed from their non-disabled peers at all.  This would still be considered to be the least restrictive placement on the continuum.

Link: http://nichcy.org/one-on-one-assistants-and-lre

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, a good reminder for parents to take their child in for a hearing screening if they suspect a problem with hearing or speech. Children learn to speak by listening, and how well they succeed has big consequences on their general happiness, progress at school and later outcomes in life. Hearing problems in children are under-diagnosed, and children who have them too rarely get the services they need, according to ASHA.

Link: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865579161/May-is-Better-Hearing-and-Speech-Month-does-your-child-need-to-be-checked.html

Quick connect link to EHDI PALS

A new easy-to-use online directory, EHDI-PALS, helps families find the nearest clinic that can provide the type of hearing service their child needs. A national group of health professionals and parents developed a free web-based list of pediatric hearing audiology facilities, known as the Pediatric Audiology Links to Services (PALS).


The CDC EHDI homepage: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/hearingloss/index.html  features a “button” leading to the PALS website. This button can be copied and distributed by states and organizations to facilitate access to this new resource.

PALS is managed by a non-profit group of government, professional and service organizations.  It is not connected to any marketing effort by the facilities listed. Parents can explore different possible facilities on PALS before making contact. PALS has information about hearing (audiology) services for infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-age children. All of the facilities listed must report that they have the right equipment and expertise to serve children, and have licensed audiologists.

Link: http://ehdipals.org/SmartTool/EP_SmartTool.aspx

Coalition for Global Hearing Health Conference: May 3rd and 4th 2013

Over the past 4 years, three conferences for CGHH have taken place in Washington, DC, March, 2010; Los Angeles, California, September, 2011; Pretoria, South Africa, June, 2012 that have solidified the organization. Now the 4th CGHH Conference is scheduled for May 3-4, 2013 at The Bill Wilkerson Clinic at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. 

The Annual Conference is a key component of the Coalition’s work, and it provides an opportunity to learn and explore hearing health programs and practices offered in low resources communities across the globe. Follow this link for registration information.

Link: http://coalitionforglobalhearinghealth.org/