Dr. Laura Ann Petitto and BL2 featured on CNN’s Vital Signs

Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientist, was interviewed on CNN’s Vital Signs (host, Dr. Sanjay Gupta) based on her three decades of research and discoveries about language learning in the human brain, the bilingual brain, the reading brain, and for her discoveries about the acquisition and neural organization of American Sign Language.

Link: http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=262964980c68fa96876b1dc53&id=b5d470a9bc&e=05f09c602f

Two cochlear implants give hearing impaired kids a better advantage

DEAF children who receive two cochlear implants are able to bridge the academic gap to those with normal hearing; however, those with only one bionic ear face a tougher time.

A world-first study has shown deaf primary school students with double cochlear implants perform much better on exams than children with only one.

Link: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/two-cochlear-implants-give-hearing-impaired-kids-a-better-advantage/story-fni0fiyv-1227500324908

Building Code Committee Adopts Classroom Acoustics Standard

The committee responsible for updating the International Code Council’s A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities standards has formally adopted an amendment establishing a classroom acoustics standard. ASHA led this effort, beginning several years ago, and has worked closely with committee members to secure its adoption.

Link: http://www.magnetmail.net/actions/email_web_version.cfm?recipient_id=1052869934&message_id=10942299&user_id=ASHA_1&group_id=907339&jobid=29566785