We are pleased to announce that the first issue of The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (JEHDI) is now available for downloading at http://jehdi.usu.edu. JEHDI is a bi-annual scholarly peer-reviewed online publication dedicated to advancing Early Hearing Detection and Intervention by publishing articles that describe current research, evidence – based practice, and standards of care. Taking a broad systems perspective, the JEHDI focuses on newborn and early childhood hearing screening, diagnosis, family support, early intervention, the medical home, information management, financing, quality improvement and other key factors critical for an effective EHDI system.
The first issue of JEHDI includes the following articles on important issues by well-known researchers and practitioners in the field. To have a manuscript reviewed for consideration to be published in a future issue of the JEHDI, go to http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/jehdi/styleguide.html.