Taking EHDI Telehealth to the next level

Please join us on Thursday, March 24th at 4:00 PM EDT for a Round Table discussion about how EHDI programs are using tele-audiology to improve services for infants and young children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families. You must register in advance for the zoom meeting at:


You will learn what others are doing and have a chance to ask questions and share your own experiences. We are looking forward to a lively and productive discussion!

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Hot Topics: A Discussion on Equity in Newborn Screening

Join Baby’s First Test, a program of Expecting Health, and stakeholders in newborn screening for an online engagement event! Hot Topics: A Discussion on Equity in Newborn Screening is focused on engaging the newborn screening community in discussing the inequities that exist in the newborn screening system, the importance of reducing these, and what steps can be taken to ensure a more equitable system that benefits all babies.

On Wednesday, March 2nd from 1-2pm ET, join Baby’s First Test and Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC for a presentation on the findings of an analysis conducted by the Association of Public Health Laboratories on the NewSTEPs data repository in order to identify potential inequities and opportunities to improve data collection across the newborn screening system. This data is just the beginning of the conversation about equity in newborn screening across the United States. The presentation will be followed by a guided discussion, and all attendees are encouraged to ask questions and share thoughts! Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApf-2rqDwrGtzRgmSxlsJ5U_al_XTt9j4T

Have questions that you want Baby’s First Test to ask during the discussion portion of this event? Let Baby’s First Test know when you register. All questions will be asked anonymously, unless requested otherwise.