Newborn screening tests help to detect developmental, metabolic, and genetic disorders in a newborn baby. Early detection and diagnosis allow timely treatment and help to prevent or minimize the probable complications.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas break, the Blended Message Club at Helper Middle School performed for local nursing and assisted living facilities in the area. The Blended Message Club is a group of students led by Mrs. Rebecca Moon that teaches the students American Sign Language (ASL) through music.
Nemours Children’s Hospital announced a new addition that will aid patients dealing with a range of issues around deafness and ear reconstruction, specifically those with ear differences, hearing loss and communications needs.
Don’t forget to lock in your rate for accommodations. Two hotels are near the conference, the Hyatt Regency and the Hilton. Hotel information can be found here:
Dr Daniel Morra, MD, FAAP, a long-standing member of the AAP and the Illinois Chapter Champion for the EHDI program, shares a story. Two of Dr Morra’s children were diagnosed as deaf at birth and were able to access early intervention services. Delays in speech and language make it hard to communicate and can leave children at a severe disadvantage, he writes, so successful intervention is key.
Nominations are invited for the Family Leadership in EHDI Programs to be presented at the 2023 National EHDI Conference in Cincinnati, OH from March 5-7h, 2023. This is the seventh year for this award and will honor a parent or family member of a child who is deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) for providing exemplary leadership in their state EHDI system. NCHAM’s Family Advisory Committee will review nominations and select the recipient. The award will be announced at the EHDI Conference.
Nominations must be sent to Laura Gramer at by January 31, 2023. The nominees and the nominator will receive an email notification by February 11th, 2023. Please note that the award winner is a surprise and will not be publicly announced until the presentation ceremony.
Call for Nominations
Nominations for the Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence should be emailed to, or mailed to:
National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management
Utah State University
2615 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322-2615
Attention: Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence
Nominations must be received by Friday, January 20, 2023 and MUST BE LIMITED to 500 words.
After two years of virtual EHDI Conferences, we are excited about being together in person for the 2023 National EHDI Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. The planning committee has organized a great program with over 200 presentations, posters, instructional sessions, and field trips. The entire conference is focused on how to continue to improve Early Hearing Detection and Intervention programs to better serve children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.
Registration for the 2023 National EHDI Conference is now open with discounted rates available until January 31, 2023.
Register at
#ehdi2023 #ehdi #ncham #handsandvoices #aap #hrsamchb