Everything You Always Wanted to Know About ASL English Bilingual Bimodal Education

The Clerc Center will offer a two-part webinar for families in January and February 2012. Part 1 will provide an overview of ASL/English Bilingual Early Childhood Education and the research supporting its positive impact on ASL and spoken language acquistion. Part 2 will discuss how families can support their child’s successful bilingual bimodal development.

Target audience: Parents of young deaf or hard of hearing children

January 12 and February 9, 2012, 7-8 p.m. (EST)

This webinar is presented by Susanne Scott, a cochlear implant bilingual specialist at the Clerc Center, and Dr. Laurene Simms, a professor of education at Gallaudet University.


Link: http://bit.ly/ASLEngwebinar