All posts by nchamstaff

Cochlear Implants Redefine What It Means To Be Deaf

There was a time when a child born deaf had few choices. For more
than a century, the only option for parents was to send their son or
daughter away to a boarding school for the deaf. There, the children and
the schools thrived in the shadows, embracing a distinct culture of
silent communication.

Recent advances in medicine and technology
are now reshaping what it means to be deaf in America. Children who
could never hear a sound are now adults who can hear everything. That’s
having a dramatic impact on the nation’s historic deaf schools as well
as the lives of people.


Global Hearing Loss and Related Issues

Across the globe, more than 278 million people have moderate-to-profound
hearing loss in both ears, and most people who have hearing loss live
in developing countries. Approximately 50 percent of all hearing loss
can be prevented. Across the globe, more than 100 countries are
considered “developing countries” and these same countries contain some
80 percent of the world’s population. The average expenditure on health
care in developed countries is $2,716 US, whereas the average cost
expenditure on health care in the “least developed” countries is $13 US.

The authors report that children with hearing loss in developing
countries experience delays in development of speech, language, and
other cognitive skills. Children with disabilities see physicians 1.5
times more often than children without disabilities. Read more to learn about these global hearing loss and related issues.


Restoring hearing with discrete device

Cochlear implants have restored basic hearing to some 220,000 deaf
people, yet a microphone and related electronics must be worn outside
the head, raising reliability issues, preventing patients from swimming
and creating social stigma. Now, engineers have developed a tiny
prototype microphone that can be implanted in the middle ear to avoid
such problems.


Cochlear implant surgery done on 3 year old

The department of ENT, Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH),
Chandigarh recently performed a cochlear implant surgery on a three-year
old profoundly deaf child using a high-tech, safe cochlear implant
system from France. And the result has
been encouraging.
The child suffered hearing loss after birth. The child is getting speech therapy and help for
cognitive development from the audiologist-cum-speech therapists at the


36 Million Reasons to Walk4Hearing

In a little less than three weeks on May 12, hundreds of Chattanooga
residents, visitors from surrounding cities and states, as well as
sponsor representatives from across the country will meet at Chattanooga
State Community College for the 4th
annual Walk4Hearing along the Chattanooga Riverwalk in support of the
more than 36 million Americans with hearing loss. Walk monies totaling
more than $18,000 have funded community ventures that support programs
and services for people with hearing loss including live theater,
college scholarships, emergency/disaster funds, children’s camp,
deaf-blind camp, looping, convention scholarships and captioning of
local events. The Chattanooga Walk4Hearing ceremony opens at 10 a.m. on
May 12. Help raise funds and awareness of hearing loss issues. All are


What causes hearing loss for Americans of all ages?

Hearing loss affects millions of Americans of all ages. It can be caused
by a genetic defect, an injury or illness, or result from repetitive
exposure to loud noises or age. But what really causes hearing loss? Tiny hair cells convert all sound
information (a whistle, the wind rustling tree leaves or even a loved
one’s laugh) into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. These
hair cells look like regular hairs growing on your head, but are
situated in the inner ear. Hearing loss is increasing in younger Americans, now affecting one in
five teenagers, according to the Journal of the American Medical
Association – an increase of 15 percent in the last 10 years.


Cochlear Implants Restore Hearing in Rare Disorder

Cochlear implantation provides an effective and safe way of restoring
hearing in patients with far advanced otosclerosis, a hereditary
condition that can lead to severe hearing loss. Read more at ScienceDaily!
