All posts by nchamstaff

Call for 2022 EHDI Conference Instructional Session Proposals

The 2022 EHDI Annual Conference Planning Committee is now accepting proposals for Instructional Sessions.  A limited number of Instructional Sessions will be offered on Sunday, March 13, 2022 (prior to the Annual Conference) or on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 (following the Annual Conference.)

Important: The submission and review of Instructional Sessions is separate from the submission process for standard breakout and poster sessions at the 2022 EHDI Annual Conference.  

Please submit your Instructional Session proposals online at by Friday, September 10, 2021.

Instructional Sessions are included in the EHDI Annual Conference for sessions/topics that do not fit into the standard breakout session format.  Consider proposing an Instructional Session only if one or more of these considerations apply:   

  • To be effective/useful, the session topic requires more than the standard 25 or -55 minutes offered for EHDI Conference breakout sessions.
  • The session requires a more interactive or hands-on experience than can be adequately achieved in the standard 25 or 55 minutes offered for EHDI Conference breakout sessions.
  • The session format requires a different room set-up or technology than typically possible in a standard breakout session room; for example, it requires a more interactive, special technology or equipment that would not be feasible during a standard breakout session.

Proposals will be considered, reviewed, and selected by the 2022 EHDI Annual Conference Planning Committee and the EHDI Conference Co-Organizers.  Criteria for selecting Instructional Sessions will align with the broader abstract submission criteria.

Instructional Session abstracts will be reviewed and scored according to the following criteria by the EHDI Conference Planning Committee:

  1. Relevance and significance to the early identification of hearing loss and early intervention services for infants and young children with hearing loss and their families. [1 – 15 points]
    • The abstract should address a current topic and information appropriate for the purposes of the Conference goals.
    • The abstract should address important issues or gaps related to improving state-based EHDI services.
    • The abstract should describe how the session will inform, enable, or update others in improving EHDI services regarding potential issues related to clinical practice, education of professionals/families, or future research.
    • The abstract describes how the session will advance the practice/knowledge base of EHDI.
    • The abstract should expand the discussion or perspective to build on existing knowledge or address new knowledge, discoveries, methodologies, tools, technologies, or practices.

2.   Meets the following Criteria to be considered for an Instructional Session. (1– 15 points)

  • To be effective/useful, the session topic requires more than the standard 25 or -55 minutes offered for EHDI Conference breakout sessions.
  • The session requires a more interactive or hands-on experience than can be adequately achieved in the standard 25 or 55 minutes offered for EHDI Conference breakout sessions.
  • The session format requires a different room set-up or technology than typically possible in a standard breakout session room; for example, it requires a more interactive, hands-on, application or special technology or equipment that would not be feasible during a standard breakout session.

3. Overall clarity. [1 – 10 points]

  • The abstract should be well written and organized in a coherent manner.
  • The amount of information to be presented should be appropriate for the proposed session length and format.
  • The abstract should clearly describe the presentation’s goals and learner outcomes.
  • The abstract should provide prospective participants enough information to determine if the session will meet their needs
  • If research results are included, they should be clearly described and supported by statistical findings with the conclusions supported by the results.

To submit a proposal for an Instructional Session, please submit all of the requested information online. Incomplete submissions may not be considered. Submit your proposals at by Friday, September 10, 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact me at or 501.626.4640.

Call for Abstracts for the 2022 National EHDI Conference! Now OPEN.

The 2022 National EHDI Conference will be held in Cincinnati, OH March 13-15, 2022. Abstracts for presentations or posters that discuss one or more of the following topics related to improving EHDI programs are invited. To be considered, abstracts must be submitted by September 27, 2021. Notification of acceptance will be made on or around November 19, 2021. For more information or to submit an abstract, visit


Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts with one of the presenters, the webinar scheduled for Thursday, 7/8, “Application of Strategies for Fostering JOY: Suggestions for Professionals and Families” has been postponed. We will let you know when the webinar has been rescheduled.

We apologize for the inconvenience.