All posts by nchamstaff

Upcoming Webinar on Affordable Technology Access

Have you registered to attend the upcoming webinar on “Affordable Technology Access for Families”?

Presented by: Tawny Holmes, Zainab Alkebsi

When: May 27, 2021 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm MDT

New Resource: The Hands & Voices Virtual Waiting Room

The Hands & Voices Virtual Waiting Room

A new resource is available for families….Welcome to the Hands & Voices HQ Virtual Waiting Room.  This site was created for families with children who have been referred to or are in the care of an audiologist and who are receiving those services through technology or “telehealth.”  Much of this information is useful for families who are preparing for onsite visits. Instead of sitting in an actual waiting room at a clinic, some families are in homes or a remote location include waiting to connect with an audiologist through the internet.  This connection provides potentially a safer and more convenient way to get important and quality services.  What families may lack, however, is some of the information and resources that often are built into an in-person waiting room experience.  And that is what H&V has recreated here:  unbiased information, resources, and connections for families as they embark or continue the journey with their child.  Parents, please spend some time, look around, grab a cup of coffee or tea and explore all that is possible for your child and family. Professionals, please share this new resource with the families you serve and consider adding the link to your website!

What Parents Will Find:

  • A video about the importance of next steps when your child is referred for more testing after a hearing screening
  • A guidebook for parents about audiology and telehealth
  • Information about tele-audiology options
  • Questions to ask your audiologist, understanding your child’s audiogram, help making decisions with communication and more
  • Connections to family-to-family support from trained parent leaders
  • Explanations of help offered by a variety of professionals in addition to your child’s audiologist
  • Resources to promote health and well-being for you and your child
  • A link to email a Hands & Voices trained parent who can answer your questions and direct you to additional resources

So, check out this resource, share with others, and welcome to a virtual experience like no other!

You can find this resource at:

Thank you to the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) for the funding to support this project.

BHSM 2021

The theme for Better Hearing and Speech Month is “Building Connections.” Learn more about ways that ASHA is working toward building connections.

2021 EHDI Conference Recordings

Did you register to attend the EHDI Conference but haven’t had a chance to view all of the presentations? You have less than a week before the platform will close! Don’t miss out. All registrants (those who registered for the live version or the on-demand version) can view the recorded conference content until May 5, 2021.

Continuing education credit is also available for registrants. You will find instructions and applicable forms you need to complete at You MUST complete the forms in order to receive CEU credit.

CMV-PHP Conference Dates

Mark your calendars! The CMV Public Health and Policy Conference has been postponed again due to Covid concerns. It will be held August 21-23, 2022 in Ottawa, Ontario Canada.

Dear CMV Public Health and Policy Conference Friends,

As you know, we postponed the 2020 conference to be held in 2021. Like all of you, we have been continuing to closely monitor the global pandemic of COVID-19 and what it could potentially mean for our conference. We also recognize that this may be international travel for many of you, which can take several months to plan. Based on current travel restrictions and the desire to allow more time for people to be fully vaccinated and prepared to travel, the CMV Public Health and Policy Conference (CMV-PHP) planning committee has made the difficult decision to postpone the CMV-PHP once again. Our plan is to have the conference August 21-23, 2022 in Ottawa, Ontario!

The landscape of CMV prevention, screening, and treatment is always changing and one of the goals of the CMV-PHP is to provide the most current research and practice. In an effort to stay true to our goals, we will host some virtual learning opportunities in lieu of the conference. Stay tuned for more information.

For those of you who submitted abstracts in 2020, again, we thank you. Prior to the 2022 conference, we will reach out to see if you would like your 2020 abstract submission to be considered and give you the option to edit it. We will also be opening the abstract submission for new submissions for those of you who were unable to submit or have new research you would like to present. We may also reach out to a few of you to present your research and practice during our virtual learning opportunities.We look forward to welcoming you to Ottawa in 2022 for a great conference.


CMV-PHP Planning Committee

The State of Babies Yearbook: 2021

Where do babies in your state stand?

Zero to Three just released The State of Babies Yearbook: 2021. This provides a snapshot of how the nation’s babies are faring nationally and by state across nearly 60 indicators essential for a strong start in life.

See how your state measures up:


It’s National Public Health Week! Did you know that since EHDI data tracking began in 2005, that over 50,000 babies have been identified as deaf or hard of hearing? Now that is a public health win! Check out the CDC’s EHDI data tracking at