fyi is
an electronic news service of the FIRST YEARS Certificate in Auditory
Learning for Young Children with Hearing Loss
at The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sent quarterly, the fyinewsletter is
designed to keep you informed of current events and activities and to provide
an opportunity to hear from our instructors, former graduates, current
students, and others affiliated with the program.


National Center for Health Reform Implementation Announces Three Helpful ACA Fact Sheets

The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) has recently designed and released three new helpful fact sheets.  These sheets are focused on simplifying provisions from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in order for these provisions to be effectively and accurately implemented.  Find out how these three new fact sheets can help you and your program become better acquainted with this important legislation.


Probes and Tips:

November’s Tip of the Month:
Don’t Ask – Do Tell:  Elicit Cooperation from Children During OAE Screening
Read about ways to help provide a calming experience to children while still being able to screen their hearing.

November’s Probe of the Month:
What verbal cues have you found to be effective in eliciting a child’s cooperation? 
Get an answer to your questions here.


In D.C., WORLDEAF presents a truly silent film festival

Gallaudet Universtiy in Washington, D.C. hosts the WORLDLEAF Cinema Festival 2010 which is a four-day event that opens today.  This is a competition in Deaf Filmaking for which competitors have come from all over the world to unveil their work to the viewing public.  Some films have audio, some do not, but all are captioned and focused toward the deaf and hard of hearing viewer. 


Sound Beginnings: Changing the World for Children with Hearing Loss

The American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to offer the second call in the Birth Defects Prevention and Identification CME Webinar Series, “Sound Beginnings: Changing the World for Children with Hearing Loss” on Tuesday, October 26 at 11:00 am CDT (12:00pm EDT, 10:00am MDT, 9:00am PDT). This event is free and open to all who are interested.

Speakers include:

  • Karl White, PhD; National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management, Utah State University
  • Susan Wiley, MD; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


The ECHO Initiative: A Webinar with Dr. William Eiserman

Dr. William Eiserman, Director of the ECHO Initiative, explains the purpose behind their organization and how they are helping Early Head Start staff and administrators accross the country to identify and provide help to children with a hearing loss within their programs.
