See how the Children’s Foundation is making a difference.
Rockville couple receives national Cueing Family Award
A family’s interesting decision to learn and use Cued Speech and the benefit it became for their children.
Test Your Baby’s Hearing Early And Often To Prevent Permanent Damage
Frequent and early screenings are important. Find out how an otoacoustic emissions test could help your child.
Experience of a Cochlear Implant
Find out why this 22 yr old young man decided to get a cochlear implant after being profoundly deaf from birth.
When It Comes to Children It’s Not Hard to Miss the Signs of Hearing Loss.
Tips for noticing and understanding some of the “whys” and “hows” of hearing loss in children.
Hearing Loss in One Ear Can Cause Language Problems
Hearing screening often takes place in newborn care facilities, but follow-up screenings are sometimes not completed until children are ready to enter elementary school. Many times, children suffering from hearing loss in only one ear go undetected in these follow-up screenings. This can lead to future challenges in language development.
What to Do When a Newborn Can’t Hear
Screening newborns for hearing loss is important in order to make sure that a child with hearing problems gets the necessary help to gain learning and communication skills for future development.
Screening, however, isn’t enough.
All the information collected through newborn hearing screening tests is lost without proper follow-up and intervention.
Touch Technology Comes to Latest Hearing Aids
From cellphones and PDAs to laptop computers, touch technology is
sweeping electronics. With simple on-screen taps electronics are now
easily controlled by the consumer, reducing the need for other
cumbersome buttons and dials. A simple sweep let’s a person control their hearing aid.
To learn more about the new hearing aid technology that drives the “Starkey Sweep” continue to the related article.
Drug linked to hearing loss may protect newborn ears
While the antibiotic gentamicin may amplify potential noise damage a similar antibiotic kanamycin might theoretically protect hearing loss, according to a new research study.
This article provides information on this new research study and it’s possibilities for infants.
How to generate awareness on deafness
Deafness is the most prevalent sensory disability globally. The
problem is disproportionately high in the Southeast Asia Region; every
third deaf person in the world is from Southeast Asia. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every year about 38,000 deaf children are born in Southeast Asia. This would mean that every day over 100 deaf infants are born in the region.
Learn more about how you can raise deafness awareness in this article.