NQF Releases Updated Child Quality Health Measures

Child health quality is an important, underemphasized  area of measure development and endorsement. In November ’09, NQF convened a Child Health Outcomes Steering Committee to identify, evaluate, and endorse additional measures suitable for public reporting and quality improvement. Measures in key gap areas such as quality of well child care, dental
care, and acute care for children, were highlighted. This consensus
project will complement the AHRQ SNAC collaboration with the Center for
Medicaid, CHIP, and Survey and Certification. While the initial core set
of CHIPRA (Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act)
measures will be prescribed by the Secretary of Health
and Human Services, there may be other appropriate measures that may
enhance the portfolio of child health quality measures and could be used
in the future for the pediatric quality measurement program as required
by CHIPRA. Appeals are open through September 13 at 6:00pm ET.

Link: http://www.qualityforum.org/Projects/c-d/Child_Health_Quality_Measures_2010/Child_Health_Quality_Measures_2010.aspx