Picture Book Centers On Girl With Hearing Loss

According to the March of Dimes, about 12,000 babies with hearing loss
are born in the U.S. each year, making it one of the most common birth
defects. Kids can also lose their hearing due to illness. Wendy Kupfer’s
new picture book, Let’s Hear It For Almigal, is the story of a happy
little girl who feels unlucky because she can’t hear everything she
wants to hear. Endearing, lighthearted and informative, the book can be
enjoyed by children with and without hearing loss. It comes just in time
for Better Hearing and Speech Month in May.

Link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/picture-book-centers-on-girl-with-hearing-loss-one-of-americas-most-common-birth-defects-2012-05-08