‘Just don’t give up,’ says deaf and autistic student who graduated with honors

When Tameka Goldsmith looks at her son’s accomplishments—and she has filled plastic bins with report cards and photos of his travels, certificates and copies of the kind words teachers wrote about him on scholarship applications—she remembers what doctors said about Kyree before he ever started kindergarten.

They said he’d never speak—that, because of his autism and hearing loss, he’d never function in a regular classroom.


Link: http://www.fredericksburg.com/features/stafford/just-don-t-give-up-says-deaf-and-autistic-student/article_19663cae-ee81-59df-a43f-d960671cb2fb.html

The July Edition of Probes and Tips is Now Available: Learning Opportunities to Fit Every Schedule

We know that time management is always a challenge in busy hearing screening programs. We can’t make the days longer (summer solstice is past!), but in the spirit of the 4th of July, we can offer greater freedom in learning opportunities to meet your upcoming training needs.

Link: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/July-Probes---Tips----Learning-Opportunities-to-Fit-Every-Schedule.html?soid=1102782899287&aid=UUlpYoTiKDA