All posts by nchamstaff
NCSA Virtual Holiday Party
The NCSA is hosting a virtual holiday party via Zoom on Sunday, December 19, 2021, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm Eastern time. Santa will be there and he cues!
Children who cue or are learning to cue are invited to join an afternoon of fun and games with the National Cued Speech Association and a Cueing Santa! Children will get an opportunity to visit with a Cueing Santa and share their wishes.Cued language transliterators will be provided. Contact NCSA if you or your child(ren) have any additional needs.Pre-registration is required. Click the registration link below to register.

Call for Innovative and Promising Practices for AAP EHDI Program
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program is now accepting applications for Innovative and Promising Practices featuring practical and innovative implementation strategies that contribute to the care of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) and their families. Selected practices will be featured on the AAP EHDI web page and disseminated broadly to EHDI stakeholders,EHDI Chapter Champions and the AAP community. Complete this application for an opportunity to share strategies from your program or practice, along with challenges and lessons learned. Contact the AAP EHDI program with any questions.
Live Q&A Session on CMV
It isn’t too late to register to attend the CMV live meeting “What you need to know before starting a Universal CMV screening program: Top 5 Considerations.” The live Q&A is scheduled for tomorrow, 11/9. Don’t forget to watch the pre-recorded sessions from Dr. Jessica Dunn and Dr. Mark Schleiss prior to the live Q&A.
Get to Know Eternals Star Lauren Ridloff, Marvel’s First Deaf Superhero
JEDHI Volume 6, Issue 2 Available
We are pleased to announce that Volume 6, Issue 2 of the Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (JEHDI) has been released. Articles published in JEHDI can be downloaded for free at The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention is a semi-annual scholarly peer-reviewed online publication dedicated to advancing Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) by publishing articles that describe current research, evidence – based practice, and standards of care.
Call for Innovative and Promising Practices for AAP EHDI
Call for Innovative and Promising Practices for AAP EHDI Program
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program is now accepting applications for Innovative and Promising Practices featuring practical and innovative implementation strategies that contribute to the care of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) and their families. Selected practices will be featured on the AAP EHDI web page and disseminated broadly to EHDI stakeholders, EHDI Chapter Champions and the AAP community. Complete this application for an opportunity to share strategies from your program or practice, along with challenges and lessons learned. Contact the AAP EHDI program with any questions.
EHDI Innovative and Promising Practice
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program is proud to announce Nationwide Children’s Hospital as an Innovative and Promising Practice, focused on systems of care for children and families who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH). The Ohio Department of Health formed an audiology work group to develop guidelines for diagnostic centers who provide infant audiologic assessment recognizing the growing issue of reduced follow-up after referral on the newborn hearing screening due to severe restriction of outpatient services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the second in a series of practices sharing innovative tools and strategies to support families of children who are D/HH. Strategies for how pediatricians can support this work are highlighted. For more information on the AAP EHDI program, visit
Interested in replicating this Innovative and Promising Practice in your practice? Contact to learn more about next steps
Webinar invitation – Hearing Screening in newborns and infants
WHO kindly invites you to join the webinar on “Newborn hearing screening: considerations for implementation “. During this webinar, experts will review the recommendations made by WHO and share experiences and challenges from the field.
*The status of newborn hearing screening in the world: Dr Katrin Neumann, Germany
*Newborn hearing screening: addressing the policy gap: (TBC)
*Newborn hearing screening and intervention: addressing the service gap: Dr Mohan Kameswaran, India
*Reducing the lost-to-follow-up: addressing the challenges of tracking: (TBC)
Date and time : 6 October 2021, 0800 to 0930 CEST and 1700 to 1830 CEST (same session will be held twice to facilitate participation across all time zones).
EHDI 2022 Abstract Submission EXTENDED to 10/4

Because we know everyone is doing the best that they can and sometimes time is still running out before everything is done that needs to be done, we are extending the abstract submission process until Monday, October 4th. We don’t want anyone to miss out on learning from your knowledge and experiences so hopefully giving you one more week will give you more time to submit an abstract for EHDI 2022!
Learn more about the submission process and submit an abstract by visiting
The 2022 National EHDI Meeting will be held in Cincinnati, OH March 13-15, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Mandy Jay at or 501.626.4640.