All posts by nchamstaff
Free Webinar on Covid-19, Hearing Loss & Hospitalization
How do Deaf & hard of hearing communicate during a medical disaster when doctors/nurses are wearing masks?
Tune in at This webinar is free.
Targeted to oral communicators. Second talk will focus on signing community. CART and ASL interpreting will be provided.
Family-Centered Tele-Intervention: A Call to Action
Looking for cuereading opportunities?
Check out these book read-“alouds” in Cued American English. This a great opportunity for cuereading practice!
COVID-19 Resource Hub for Supporting Students with Disabilities
Survey Opportunity
Interested in participating in an important study on eHealth? Do you qualify? See info and flyer below.
“We now have 65 parents enrolled in our study! But, to really understand how helpful eHealth can be for the parents we serve, we need even more. If your child is age birth to 42 months and has hearing aids, and you have access to the internet, you are eligible to participate. If you participate through the entire study, you may earn a $50 Amazon eGift card. You may enroll by calling the number listed in the image below. Spread the word!”
Karen Muñoz, EdD
Professor & Department Head
Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education
Utah State University
2620 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322

Info on Tele-Intervention
Looking for info regarding Tele-Intervention? See this recorded webinar from the ECTA Center.
Use of Tele-Intervention in Early Intervention (IDEA Part C): Strategies for Providing Services Under the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The recorded webinar is explores Part C policy and infrastructure issues for states to consider addressing in order to establish and fund early intervention through video-based tele-intervention, including:
Funding Opportunities: Medicaid and private insurancePrivacy Issues: HIPAA and FERPAConsent from families (What is needed?)Video Conferencing: Technology and ConsiderationsThe good news is that barriers and challenges are less than some may think and a number of states have experience in delivering effective services through tele-intervention that we can learn from.
The webinar and related handouts are available on the ECTA Center website:
Telepractice Resources During COVID-19
Tele-health Resources
As we practice social distancing, do you need to learn more about tele-health, tele-intervention and tele-audiology? We have a tele-audiology resource guide, TI resource guide, TI 101 training and more on our website.