TI Guide to Security Video Clips Recently Posted

Two video clips were recently posted to infanthearing.org that discuss the essential elements of the HIPAA security law and strategies for strengthening security, these videos are highlighted as follows and you can follow the link to view them for full details. Both presentations were made to the NCHAM tele-intervention learning community in December, 2011.

(1) Dr. Valerie Watzlaf from the Department of Health Information Management
in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at University of
Pittsburgh discusses the essential elements of the HIPAA Security Law.
She describes practical considerations for those engaged in

(2) Daniel Ladner, Senior Technology Systems Analyst at the National Center
for Hearing Assessment and Management delineates the strategies used to
strengthen security for Sound Beginnings’ tele-intervention project.

Link: http://www.infanthearing.org/ti-guide/privacy.html#optimal_security